屋内および屋外のフルカラー LED ディスプレイの鮮明さを向上させる方法?

Full color LED displays are actually moving towards higher definition displays. それで, how can we improve the clarity of full color LED displays?
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下に, we will roughly analyze it.
まず最初に, improve the contrast of full-color LED displays. コントラストは視覚効果に影響を与える重要な要素の 1 つです. 一般的に言えば, コントラストが高いほど, 画像がより鮮明で目を引くほど, そして色がより鮮やかで鮮やかになります. 高コントラストは鮮明さに非常に役立ちます, 詳細表現, 画像のグレースケールレベル表現. In some text and video displays with large black and white contrast, high contrast full-color LED displays have advantages in black and white contrast, clarity, integrity, およびその他の側面. Contrast has a greater impact on the display effect of dynamic videos, as the brightness conversion in dynamic images is faster. The higher the contrast, the easier it is for the human eye to distinguish this conversion process.
実際には, the improvement of contrast in full-color LED displays mainly involves increasing the brightness of the display and reducing the surface reflectivity of the screen. でも, the higher the brightness, よりいい. それどころか, it can have the opposite effect. Light pollution has become a hot topic nowadays, and excessive brightness can have an impact on the environment and people. The full color LED display screen LED panel and LED light-emitting tube undergo special processing, which can reduce the reflectivity of the LED panel and improve the contrast of the full color LED display screen.
第二に, increase the grayscale level of フルカラーLEDディスプレイ 画面. The grayscale level refers to the brightness level that can be distinguished from the darkest to the brightest in a single primary color of a full-color LED display screen. フルカラー LED 表示画面のグレースケール レベルが高いほど, the richer the colors, and the more vibrant the colors are; それどころか, 表示色は単色で変更も簡単. グレースケールレベルの増加により、色の深さが大幅に向上します, その結果、画像の色の表示階層が幾何級数的に増加します。. The LED grayscale control level is between 14bit and 16bit, which enables high-end display products to achieve world advanced levels in image hierarchy resolution details and display effects. With the development of hardware technology, LED grayscale levels will continue to evolve towards higher control accuracy.
ついに, reducing the dot spacing of full-color LED displays can greatly improve their clarity. The smaller the dot spacing of full-color LED displays, the more delicate their display will be. でも, this requires mature technology as the core support, which has a relatively high investment cost and produces full-color LED display screens at a relatively high price. Fortunately, the market is also developing towards small pitch LED display screens.