P1.25 4k Led displey ichki ledli video devorlar uchun mashhur tendentsiyadir. We have launched a series of P1.25 led walls.
The high-definition picture presented by the LED screen panel is closely related to the pixel pitch of the screen. As we all know, LED display is imaged mainly through the red, yashil, and blue light-emitting diodes forming a matrix on the PCB panel. The smallest imaging unit on the PCB panel is what we call pixel. While the measure from the midpoint of a single pixel to the midpoint of adjacent pixels is the pixel pitch, expressed in millimeters. LED screen manufacturers divide the LED pixel panel into several models based on the pixel pitch, such as P1.25, P2, P3, P10, P40 LED display, va boshqalar., where P (Point) refers to pixel pitch, and P1.25 LED display refers to the LED screen panel with a pixel pitch of 1.25mm. Those screen panels with pixel pitch within 1.25-2.5mm to provide HD images are called narrow pixel pitch LED displays which are the best choice for indoor use.
Piksel oralig'i qanchalik kichikroq, piksel zichligi qanchalik baland bo'lsa, Bu panelda tasvirga ko'proq yorug'lik boncuklari ta'sir qilishini anglatadi, shunda siz UHD 4K yoki hatto 8k kontentni taqdim eta oladigan yuqori aniqlikdagi LED displeyga ega bo'lasiz.. Ekran paneliga juda yaqin o'tirganda ham, rasmdagi kamchiliklarni aniqlash oson emas. Shunday qilib, agar siz ichki eshittirish yoki virtual suratga olish uchun kichik pikselli LED displeyni sotib olishni o'ylayotgan bo'lsangiz, 4k uchun P1.25 LED paneli, yoki hatto 8k kontent taqdimoti sizning birinchi tanlovingizdir.
In addition to higher resolution and more HD quality, P1.25 LED panels possess other overwhelming advantages to assist you in the terrific content presentation for your audience.